To my dedicated followers

Well hello to you all. I have been set the challenge to establish and maintain an online presence to promote myself and offer an insight to those in industry and those who may be interested. I suppose I should start off with introducing myself and what the main themes of the blog will be about.

My name is Cameron Maskew and I am an Acoustics Engineering student at the University of Salford. I am currently approaching the end of my second year of studying and I am trying to find a work placement opportunity abroad for my year in industry. I thought this blog would be a great way to document my year in industry as well as my experience (hopefully) abroad. At the moment though I am grounded in Salford and this blog will be submitted before I start my placement so you will have to bear with me and my attempts to inspire you into the fascinating world of Acoustics.

I feel sharing my interests, hobbies and thoughts would also be beneficial. I must warn you now this blog will inevitably be filled with plenty of sarcasm and hopefully a degree of wit, that’s what I’m aiming for anyway. Before I came to University I was a drummer in a band for four years, playing gigs around Warrington and Manchester. Regrettably, my sacred kit couldn’t come with me to University because of some ridiculous noise regulations that I aspire to one day enforce (I know). I have now looked to the world of electronic music production to satisfy my musical interests which I’m having a great time with, although I can’t seem to finish a song. I am a music enthusiast at heart and I just can’t seem to make something I am satisfied with for more than a day. I like to keep up with what’s happening in the world and I would look to see of much of it as I can once I graduate.

Thank you for reading and I hope to keep you as entertained as I can.

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